Ogn'om canti novel canto
“Ogn’om canti novel canto” is a sort of map of thirteenth and fourteenth century Italian music, incomplete obviously, having few information not homogeneously scattered to depict a musical outline of an age.Since twelfth century there is an important cultural movement in central Italy, tied with the religious re-awakening, which produces a lot of songs, called “lauda”, of religious argument but bound to be sung outside the church. This music is collected in two “laudari”: The “Cortonese” is former than the “Magliabechiano”, but twenty songs are in both collections; one of these is entitled Amor dolçe senza pare in
“Cortonese” (here proposed as instrumental intermezzo) and Del dolcissimo signore in “Magliabechiano”.
“Codex Rossi” has been compiled in Florence in fourteenth century but it comprises works of authors who lived in Milan and Verona. I’vo’ bene is a ballad by Gherardello da Firenze with Niccolò Soldanieri’s lyrics.
Amor mi fa cantar alla Francesca is anonymous, probably from Veneto, and
inspired by French stile; Adiu, adiu douce dame too, written by Francesco Landini and collected in “Codex Squarcialupi”, gives a look to french Ars Nova, such as to recover the title of a “virelai” by Guillaume de Machaut. Saltarello, Ghaetta and Non posso far bucato che non piova are central Italy dances, coming from a manuscript kept in the British Library of London, in which all italian instrumental music is preserved. Not used to write non-vocal
music, Italian middle-Age has lost most of its instrumentalrepertoire.
1. Amor dolçe senza pare / Del dolcissimo Signore - (Laudario di Cortona / Magliabechiano - XIII sec.)
2. I'vò bene a chi vol bene a me - (Gherardello da Firenze - XIV sec.)
3. Adiu, adiu douce dame - (Francesco Landini - XIV sec.)
4. Amor mi fa cantar alla Francesca - (Codice Rossi - XIV sec.)
5. Ogn'om canti novel canto a San Jovanni - (Laudario di Cortona - XIII sec.)
6. Saltarello - (Manoscritto London, British Library - XIV sec.)
7. Troppo perde 'l tempo - (Laudario di Cortona - XIII sec.)
8. Magdalena degna da laudare - (Laudario di Cortona - XIII sec.)
9. Ghaetta - (Manoscritto London, British Library - XIV sec.)
10. Lamentomi et sospiro per più potere amare - (Laudario Magliabechiano - XIII sec.)
11. Non posso far bucato che non piova - (Manoscritto London, British Library - XIV sec.)